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Pocket Chef

Icon of Pocket Chef

A recipe manager application, available for Android and iOS.

I created Pocket Chef on my free time, having always been willing to publish my own app. I like to cook and take notes left and right of recipes gleaned here and there on the net or by word of mouth. The result being a pile of notes on loose pieces of paper as well as on my computer and phone, the idea of Pocket Chef started to grow in my mind.

With Pocket Chef a user can write and keep recipes with himself at all times. Specific care has been given to the respect and interoperability of data.


An app that's open and respectful of the user

The control of a user over its data (namely recipes) is a matter dear to my heart. As such with Pocket Chef everything happens on the phone, nothing is sent over the internet or gathered in any way. Moreover a recipe can easily be exported or imported in a format extremely simple and readable by anyone (text file, see the wiki of the project for more).

This capability offers many possibilities and great freedom to the user. Indeed, a recipe can easily be shared with someone else and even modified outside of Pocket Chef. The app proves to be a tool at the service of the user and not a closed ecosystem from which there is no escape.


Pocket Chef is written entirely in Javascript (React Native) with Expo. Data is stored locally in an SQLite database. With Expo no platform specific code needs to be written.

Source Code

Pocket Chef is free software and its source code is available on my github at this address: